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Monday, August 20, 2018

Pop Ups in the Garden

Pop up spinach 'going to seed' in the beetroot bed.
I will probably have to wait about 6 months for the seed harvest...but worth it if the seeds are viable.

Last year's  (2017) seed harvest had too many to count and the really interesting thing I discovered recently was, that a number of seeds had fallen from last yeast's plant and germinated after the rainfall last week.
The seeds were well buried and trodden on and still managed to germinate. I couldn't have planned it better.

Now the problem is...where to plant all these spinach seedlings. I've run out of room!. Still, its nice to get an abundant gift like that! That's the beauty and generosity pf the natural process. We're just a part of it and the abundance is always close at hand.

The spinach bed has been growing since May, though prolonged drought conditions have kept the plants on the small size.
Still, seed from last year's pop up harvest has allowed me to be very generous in the sowing of a profuse lot.
I expect rain over the next few weeks to increase the size of the leaves and i can then freeze some for the long winter months when growth will stop and the leaves become scarce.

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