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Thursday, April 13, 2023

Sweet Scent

Narcissus  Scent
What a delightful scent, so sweet, almost heady. On these spring days when the weather is still like winter and the rain doesn't let up, this sweet scent is a great spirit uplifted. It's no wonder poets write in raving style about this flower.
I should plant more of these bulbs, but honestly, I just forget to do it in the autumn time. Oh dear!

Sweet Pine
Here's a little pine tree, rescued from the Christmas buying frenzy last year, on sale after the great festive day. I bought four in all as an idea of celebrating each of my grandchildren. I'm thinking some day they might come and claim their own. 
This is a fairly slow growing variety, nice bright green shoots appearing this spring.
I'll eventually have to move them from their spot if they get too big...a few years before that needs to happen though!

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